비염 콧물, 코막힘 이유와 해결 방법은?

What are the causes and solutions for rhinitis, runny nose, and stuffy nose? Hello. This is Lee Woo-jeong, director of Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic, who has been researching the nose for 30 years. The typical symptoms of rhinitis, runny nose and stuffy nose, may seem like mild symptoms like a cold, but that is not the case. Imagine suffering from rhinitis for a long time. It can be said to be one of the symptoms that greatly reduces the quality of life. In winter, your nose may get cold, and the tip of your nose may turn red and make you shed a few tears. In case of allergies, it can be even more severe. To those suffering from rhinitis, I would like to inform you of the causes and solutions for runny nose and stuffy nose. Of course, you should at least know what kind of person I am. I think it would be a good idea to read the article below first.

Woojeong Lee, the representative director of Kosum, the reason why I have been treating nasal diseases for 30 years Woojeong Lee, the representative director of Kosum, the reason why I have been treating rhinitis and sinusitis for 30 years My life was set. When I was young, my father… blog.naver.com

Please read today’s content until the end and improve your quality of life.

Reasons for a runny nose and stuffy nose: What causes a runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing due to rhinitis? To put it simply, the inside of the nose is sensitive. When you develop rhinitis due to various factors, the sensitive nasal mucosa becomes inflamed. Because the mucous membrane is filled with numerous cells, a runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing occur. For example, let’s say you have acne around your elbows and nose. Which of the two places is more bothersome and painful? Of course, I think it would be around the nose. How to solve runny nose and stuffy nose 1. Nasal washing may help with runny nose and stuffy nose. The most important thing is the concentration and temperature that matches your body temperature. You can check the details in the article below. Sinusitis nose wash the right way Sinusitis nose wash the right way Hello. We have been taking responsibility for patients’ nasal health and treating nasal diseases for 30 years… blog.naver.com 2. Use a humidifier Dry air can further irritate the nose, causing runny nose and nasal congestion. Winter is longer than before. So, it is essential to use a humidifier. 3. Maintaining a clean indoor environment It is important to keep your home or office free from dust. In fact, it is a way to prevent not only a runny nose but also diseases. Maintaining a clean environment is the cheapest way to prevent rhinitis. I hope you practice it and stop suffering from stuffy nose. Treatment Method At Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic, our goal is to preserve the health of the nose. There are two ways to do this. 1. Acupuncture Treatment As I mentioned before, rhinitis is caused by inflammation. So then we need to eliminate the inflammation that is causing it, right? We apply acupuncture directly to the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Very finely and delicately. Although there are individual differences, it usually lasts around 20 sessions. Not only will inflammation and swelling gradually decrease, but symptoms of runny nose and stuffy nose may also improve. The goal is to preserve the health of your nose without any side effects. 2. The habit of breathing through the nose is also something we educate our patients about. If you breathe through your mouth instead of through your nose, cold, dry, unfiltered air comes in. Ultimately, sensitive mucous membranes are continuously irritated, causing rhinitis and sinusitis. Conversely, if you only breathe through your nose, it filters the air like an air purifier. The cold, dry air is changed into the warm and moist air that mucous membranes like. This habit, along with acupuncture treatment, is a way to get rid of runny nose and stuffy nose. Was today’s content helpful? “It’s like having to go to the hospital every time..” “How long will I have to live with a stuffy nose?..” I think you may have been worrying about the above and taking medication every time, only seeing short-term results. From now on, please make sure to get into the habit of breathing through your nose. Because that is the beginning of true rhinitis treatment and the beginning of change. If you are experiencing severe pain due to a nose disease, please feel free to visit the hospital. Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic Jongno Main Branch 1st floor, 330 Pyeongchang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul We will explain in detail about reservations at Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic Jongno Main Branch and guide you to a life without runny nose and stuffy nose. thank you It was Lee Woo-jeong, the representative director of Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic. Goals of Director Lee Woo-jeong of Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic Goals of Director Lee Woo-jeong of Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic Those of you who have read the last article probably know that I have been researching nose diseases for 30 years. blog.naver.com You must never miss breathing through your nose. You must never miss breathing through your nose. Hello. This is Lee Woo-jeong, director of Kosum Oriental Medicine Clinic, who has been researching the nose for 30 years… blog.naver.com This post was written directly by our center in compliance with Article 56, Paragraph 1 of the Medical Advertising Act for the purpose of providing and promoting medical information. All treatments performed vary greatly from person to person, so please be sure to make a decision on treatment after sufficient consultation with an expert. The treatment photos in the post were taken with the consent of the patient who actually completed all treatment courses at our hospital.